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Ways and Means Committee

Ways and Means Committee

The Ways and Means Committee sets up the OA Circle and can be seen as a stage crew for Ceremonies. They set up for the Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil ceremonies. Often the first impression of a new Ordeal is made by the Ways and Means committee, determined by how well they do their job. Without this committee, the Lodge ceremonies would not be possible. Anybody willing to push a lawn mower or pull a rake is welcome.

To join Ways and Means, go to the OA Circle after breakfast on Saturday.

Ways and Means currently is in need of wood shavings.

Chairman and Adviser contact information
Committee description
  1. Responsible for storage, care, and maintenance of all Lodge property excluding salable supplies and first aid supplies.
  2. Assists the Administrative Vice Chief in making the Lodge inventory each August.
  3. Submits, at each August weekend a list recommending the replacement or addition of general Lodge equipment to the Executive Committee. Additional lists may also be submitted at any Executive Committee meeting.
  4. Responsible for the care and maintenance of the Arrow Ring and the Pre-Ordeal circle with the assistance of the ceremonies committee. This includes the following tasks:
    1. Landscaping (grass mowed, leaves raked, trimming and planting trees)
    2. Preparing arrangements for ceremonies (fires built, torches placed on path and light, etc.)
    3. Collecting the password at all meetings
    4. Cleaning up the circle after meetings.
  5. Works with the Properties and Maintenance Chairman to determine improvement projects for lodge property and carrying out the improvements.
  6. Responsible for the maintenance of the OA building, including cleaning up and winterizing.
Copyright 2002-2009 Wagion Lodge #6 - Westmoreland Fayette Council, BSA