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Administrative Division and AVC

The administrative division takes care of the "Business" of the lodge. Administrative committees typically deal with the events that go on behind the scenes. For example: making sure food is served at OA weekends, making sure that the trading post is stocked and manned, or communicating with the lodge between events.

Chairmen in the Administrative division of the lodge report to the Administrative Vice-Chief. The responsibilities of the Administrative Vice-Chief are:

  1. Acts as parliamentarian for the lodge.
  2. Oversees and coordinates the Administrative Division committees.
  3. Responsible for seeing that each committee in his division is properly functioning. He should make every effort to channel his authority through the appropriate chairman. If a chairman in his division does not fulfill his duties, the AVC temporarily may take charge of the committee.
  4. Sees that an inventory, to be turned over to the Lodge Key 3, is made of all Lodge property by August 31 of each year.
  5. Works with his division in formulating budgetary requests.
  6. Handles the administration of the Wagion Training Center.
Copyright 2002-2009 Wagion Lodge #6 - Westmoreland Fayette Council, BSA