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Conservation Committee

Conservation Committee

Conservation Committee

Conservation Committee sponsors the Spring Nature Walk for the Cub Scouts and performs various projects all over camp. Members mail out letters to Packs, build and maintain bird houses, and clean up trash.

Conservation is in need of members, especially volunteers to help with the Spring Nature Walk.

Chairman and Adviser contact information
Committee description
  1. Preserves the area of Camp Conestoga / Buck Run and any other natural properties of the Westmoreland Fayette Council, both ecologically and biologically.
  2. Shall be the environmental voice of the Lodge.
  3. Will take an official stand on all issues that may affect the botany and wildlife of the above-mentioned areas.
  4. Plans, staffs, and runs the Lodge's annual Spring Nature Walk.
Copyright 2002-2009 Wagion Lodge #6 - Westmoreland Fayette Council, BSA