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Vigil Honor Committee

Vigil Honor Committee

The Vigil Honor Committee is responsible for taking nominations and holding elections for the new Vigil Class every year. It also runs the Vigil Honor Ceremony.

Membership is by election into Vigil Honor.

Chairman and Adviser contact information
Committee description
  1. Shall have a Chairman and Advisor appointed by the Chief and his Advisors.
  2. The Chairman shall:
    1. Compile a complete list of Brotherhood members who are registered with the Lodge and the Boy Scouts of America and who have been Brotherhood members for at least two years.
    2. Publish a list of those eligible members along with a request for nominations and nomination form in the T-Bird Times.
    3. Select a Vigil Honor Selection Committee comprised of youth Vigil Honor members of the Lodge.
  3. The Chairman shall conduct the Vigil Election, where he shall preside:
    1. Nomination Phase
      1. The Chairman shall call a meeting of all active Vigil members after the business meeting of the April Lodge weekend at camp or other suitable location.
      2. The Chairman shall accept all nominations from the floor and add these to any nominations that were received from the membership. Nominations will be separated into youth and adults. After all nominations are taken, the Chairman will close nominations.
      3. Those present may then comment on those nominated. After that, the meeting is adjourned, and all adult Lodge members shall leave.
    2. Election Phase
      1. The Chairman shall call a meeting of the Vigil Honor Selection Committee at his own discretion. The meeting will be held before the June business meeting.
      2. The Chairman shall determine the number of Vigil Honor candidates that the Lodge is eligible to nominate to the National Committee by finding out the total lodge membership as reported on the most recent lodge Charter renewal application. The Committee shall select a quota and, after discussion, vote by ballot. The Chairman votes only to break a tie.
      3. In selecting candidates for the Vigil Honor, the Committee shall insure that all candidates are Brotherhood members for at least two years at the time of election.
      4. The Chairman and Advisor shall tally the ballots.
      5. The Chairman shall complete the Vigil applications of each elected candidate, soliciting the help of other Vigil members, where needed, to select a suitable Vigil name. The application shall be submitted to National Headquarters with the proper signatures and fees.
      6. The Chairman shall arrange with the Ceremonial Team a calling out ceremony at any Lodge Weekend in the current Lodge Year when the candidates are present.
      7. The Chairman shall arrange recognition for each candidate:
        1. A sash and Vigil triangle given at the business meeting.
        2. A framed certificate given at the February banquet.
      8. The Chairman shall submit a list of new Vigil members to the Membership Committee.
      9. Except in unusual circumstances, all elected candidates must have been inducted within one year after the date of approval by National Headquarters.
      10. The Chairman shall notify National Headquarters of any candidates not inducted.
      11. Nothing in the Vigil Honor Selection Process shall conflict with National Policy. The Committee shall review all relevant National literature on the Vigil Honor prior to the election: Order of the Arrow Handbook, Guide for Officers and Advisors, National Bulletin, and National Policy Statements.
Copyright 2002-2009 Wagion Lodge #6 - Westmoreland Fayette Council, BSA