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Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee

The nominating committee is responsible for conducting the elections of the Lodge officers. Their job begins with soliciting resumes of potential officers. Then, they interview the candidates and post their resumes in the lodge newsletter. Finally, the Chairman of the Nominating Committee conducts the actual elections with the help of his Adviser.

Usually, the Nominating Committee is a small committee, consisting only of a chairman and adviser.

Chairman and Adviser contact information
Committee description

The Nominating Committee consists of a Chairman and Advisor. The Committee is responsible for making and receiving nominations for the elected offices, and for conducting the annual election of Lodge Officers at the June weekend.

  1. Nominations
    1. The Committee shall receive nominations for all elected offices. The Committee may also make its own nominations in order to provide a slate of at least one candidate for each office. Floor nominations shall be permitted for all offices.
    2. The Committee shall interview each nominee to determine his willingness to serve.
    3. The Committee shall review the Lodge records to insure that all candidates are registered in the Lodge and in Scouting, and that they will be under 21 for their entire term of office. This means that an officer candidate must be less than 20 years old on September 1 following the date of the election.
    4. Each nominee shall be asked to prepare a brief resume of his qualifications.
    5. The Committee shall publicize the nominations and elections in the T-BIRD TIMES .to insure that all interested brothers have an opportunity to run for office and to vote.
  2. Elections
    1. The Committee shall establish rules for campaigning. Generally, candidates shall be limited to expenditures of nominal amounts for posters, etc. Candidates may use the T-BIRD TIMES and Lodge meetings to campaign.
    2. The Chairman shall conduct the elections at the June meeting. The Committee, in conjunction with the Chief and Lodge Advisor shall determine the precise time and location of the election. The Chairman shall read the candidate's resume, then give the candidate the opportunity to speak briefly to the Lodge.
    3. Voting shall be by secret ballot and only by members of the Lodge under 21. Votes shall be counted by the Committee Advisor, the Lodge Advisor and such under-2l Scout Tellers as the Chairman shall appoint. When the ballots have been counted, the winner shall be announced. The vote totals shall not be announced, nor shall they be revealed by the tellers. An opportunity for recount shall be given, then the ballots shall be burned.
    4. Voting shall be done one office at a time beginning with Chief, then Program Vice-Chief, Administration Vice-Chief, Secretary, and Treasurer. Nominations shall not be closed, nor ballots cast for an office until the results of the previous balloting have been announced so that unsuccessful candidates may "drop down" and run for a subsequent office .
    5. An unsuccessful candidate for one office may be nominated from the floor for a subsequent office. For example, an unsuccessful candidate for Chief may be nominated from the floor for Program Vice-Chief or any other office.
    6. In practice, the election sequence shall operate as follows. The Chairman shall announce the names of the candidates for Chief, in alphabetical order. He shall then read the first candidate's resume and allow him to speak. This shall continue until all nominated candidates have spoken. The chairman shall then ask for floor nominations. Any floor nominees shall be permitted to briefly address the Lodge. Ballots shall then be passed out, marked and collected. The election tellers shall retire to count the ballots. Meanwhile, the Chairman shall introduce the candidates for Program Vice-Chief, read each resume, and permit each candidate to speak. He shall then wait for the tellers to return and announce the winner of the election for Chief. When this announcement has been made, the Chairman shall ask if there is a request for recount. If none is requested, the Chief's ballots will be burned. The Chairman shall then open the floor for floor nominations for Program Vice-Chief. Any nominees from the floor shall be allowed to speak. Ballots will then be passed out, as above. The procedure shall continue until all offices have been filled.
    7. If a recount is requested, the ballots shall be recounted in secret, with the party requesting the recount present as an observer.
Copyright 2002-2009 Wagion Lodge #6 - Westmoreland Fayette Council, BSA