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I'm ordeal, now what?

By Jerry Clark, Ordeal Adviser

My Brothers:

Now that you have finished your Ordeal there are some items of attention.

There are four service weekends each year, August, October, April and June and a Banquet in February. It would be nice to see you at all of these events. Just because you have finished your Ordeal does not mean that you do not come back. You are needed to be an active member of Wagion Lodge #6.

In 10 months you will be eligible to Seal your membership in the Lodge by taking your Brotherhood Interview and going through the Brotherhood Ceremony please do this. Do not be a flap wearer. The other Scouts in your Troop found you worthy of the honor do not let them down. If you do not want to be active in the Lodge please remove your flap and do not wear it. It is the same as wearing a badge of rank you did not earn.

Get on a committee , there is something for everyone your help will be greatly appreciated.

Look around at this camp. There is not a single building or part of this camp that this lodge has not had a hand in. from the building of buildings to setting up tents for the summer camp Wagion does it all. You are needed!

Copyright 2002-2009 Wagion Lodge #6 - Westmoreland Fayette Council, BSA