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Downloadable and printable lodge forms

This section will be used to give lodge members access to various forms required for lodge activities throughout the year.

Wagion Lodge #6 Handbook - This handbook serves as an introduction to our lodge for new members. It also contains information about the history of our Lodge and a job description for our operating committees.

This document is available as a PDF File

Lodge publication consent form - This form is required for all lodge members who wish to have their name listed on the Wagion Lodge #6 website.

The Vigil nomination form is used by the Vigil committee in selecting the Arrowmen which will receive the Vigil honor in the following year. The selection process usually takes place at the end of the April weekend.

The Nominating committee has the option of making it mandatory that every lodge member running for office prepare an Officer Candidate Resume . This form is used for determining eligibility and may also be re-printed in lodge publications.

Request for Payment - The Chairman and Adviser are the only persons authorized to charge bills against their budgetary allowance without special advance permission of the Lodge Treasurer. A person submitting a bill to the Lodge Treasurer should complete this form and attach the actual bill.

This form is available as a PDF File

Youth Candidate Election Report

The unit election report should be completed by the District Unit Election Teams and sent to the Council Service Center for processing. The unit leaders should fill out the Scout Camper roster prior to the night of the election.

The youth election form is available as a PDF File

Medical Form

This BSA standard medical form can be used for any scouting event for persons under the age of 40. Note that only the Class 1 portion needs to be filled out for weekend events.

The BSA medical form is available as a PDF File

Copyright 2002-2009 Wagion Lodge #6 - Westmoreland Fayette Council, BSA